
Financial Stability Advocacy

Our friends at Austin Interfaith are working hard as advocates this legislative session to get bills passed and signed that will help keep our economy here in Central Texas strong. We’ve written several times about one of our important funded programs, Capital IDEA, which is a proven program to train workers in fields that are in-demand now, and in the future.

Programs like Capital IDEA, on average, triple the earnings of low-income adults to $30,718 with benefits and a career path. Job retention rates average 92.8%. More than 9,000 adults have been placed in jobs through these projects throughout the state of Texas.

The three bills that would create the “Jobs for Education for Texas” (JET) Fund are: HB1935 (Representative Villarreal), SB1313 (Senator Shapiro) and HB2812 (Representative Swinford). Passage and signing of these bills will fund proven programs like Capital IDEA through a $10 million competitive state grant program, to be administered by the Comptroller’s office.

The Network of Texas IAF Organizations will hold a press conference on Tuesday, May 12th at 12:30pm to call on our lawmakers to pass and sign this important legislation. To learn more about the advocacy work of Austin Interfaith, visit their website.

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