We recently partnered with our friends at Greenlights for NonProfit Success to conduct a survey of Central Texas nonprofits. The goals of the survey were to;
1. Have actual data on how the downturn is affecting nonprofits aside from anecdotes
2. Compare how our region’s nonprofits are doing versus other parts of the country
We sent the survey to over 800 organizations, and 100 responded.
Not surprisingly, many nonprofits locally are having a tough time. Demand for their services is up, while more than 50% have experienced a drop in donations over the past year.
The crunch is affecting organizations in the critical health & human services, and children and youth-focused service areas the most.
Please click the links below for full survey results and data presentation.
- Taking the Pulse of the Central Texas Nonprofit Sector – a presentation on the 2009 survey.
- New Survey Shows Austin Area Nonprofits are Experiencing Significant Increase in Demand for Services and Fewer Resources – a brief on the 2009 survey.
- 2009 Nonprofit Pulse Survey – a comprehensive summary of the 2009 survey results.
Good posting!