From our friends at–the Serve America Act will help Central Texas non-profits serve our community better:
The Serve America Act is being voted on in the Senate within the next few days – perhaps tomorrow. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, the nonprofit community of our state must CALL OUR SENATORS to get them to support this groundbreaking Act and especially the Baucus-Grassley Nonprofit Capacity Building Amendment. Their co-sponsorship will concretely reflect their commitment to the millions of Texans who volunteer and the over 70,000 501 (c) 3 nonprofit corporations in our state, who are struggling to serve those with the greatest needs in Texas.
Call Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison – 202.224.5922 – and encourage her support. Our latest information, based on contacts a few minutes ago, is that she remains UNCOMMITTED in supporting the Act. She is receiving a goodly number of calls urging her to OPPOSE the Act. We need to let her know there is also considerable support for her SUPPORTING the Act.
Senator John Cornyn – 202.224.2934 – OPPOSES the Act.
It is quick and easy. Tell them who you are … that you are concerned for your own agency, community, and our State of Texas … that our Texas nonprofits need our Senators’ support at this time. There will not be much discussion, BUT the aide will add you to their list of supportive calls and you will have helped offset the negative calls they are receiving.
In speaking to our Senators’ offices:
A. The Senate should ADOPT the Baucus-Grassley Nonprofit Capacity Building amendment to the Serve America Act. The Nonprofit Capacity Building amendment will help community-based nonprofits get needed training and assistance through an innovative matching grant program. (For details go to
B. The Senate should PASS the Serve America Act.
The Serve America Act (S.277) would expand the number of AmeriCorps members, create new service opportunities, and make other resources available to help local communities across the country. (For more information, visit the National Council of Nonprofits website:
To Our Friends at the United Way Capital Area:
Thank you! You helped make history. By relaying TANO's message encouraging Texans to call Senator Hutchison, you helped her understand the importance of this historic legislation, because when the Senate took it vote late Thursday, she was one of the 79 Senators who voted "yes" to pass the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act, including the Baucus-Grassley amendment to establish a Nonprofit Capacity Building Program.
Now would be a good time for your readers to call her back to thank her for her vote for this bill and to compliment her for helping the Senate show true bipartisanship. When we see our elected officials working together on a bipartisan basis to actually solve problems, rather than engage in political posturing, we need to let them know we appreciate their efforts to craft needed solutions.
Also, your readers should take some time to reflect on what we collectively proved can happen when individuals, working together through our nonprofits, amplify our voices. By contacting their elected officials to create the Nonprofit Capacity Building Program and pass the Serve America Act, your readers proved that government is still responsible to the people. Your readers who called honored Abraham Lincoln, who identified in his Gettysburg Address the great task before us as Americans: ensuring “that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”
Again, to our friends at the United Way Capiral Area, thank you for relaying the word put out by TANO, and congratulations on your role in making American history.
Tim Delaney
President & CEO
National Council of Nonprofits