JE Dunn Construction not only helped sponsor our Spring Day of Caring this year; employees also volunteered at El Buen Pastor Early Child Development Center by working on some much needed renovations and improvements. For the past year, JE Dunn has worked with United Way for Greater Austin to ensure that early childhood education centers are safe and up to date. JE Dunn Construction compiled an assessment team that visits centers and looks at structure, the rooms, mechanics, plumbing and electrical to make sure they are safe, in good repair and up to code. Once the assessment is complete, they provide UWATX and the center with a detailed assessment report which includes any issues, materials needed, and the approximate cost to fix. So far, they have assessed three early care and education centers in the Success By 6 Center Project and will continue to conduct assessments over the next months. Not only has JE Dunn taken the time to assess various centers, but also provided the labor and materials which many of these centers would not be able to afford otherwise. Because of cuts in state funding, toddler and infant funding has dropped to the 50th percentile. This decision puts providers in the difficult position of having to choose between investing in center services or in serving low-income families. Ayesha White, one of our SB6 Vistas, spoke to some of JE Dunn’s employees during SDOC about why they give back. Why is JE Dunn providing renovations for child care centers in the greater Austin Area? “JE Dunn is part […]
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