Last December, we profiled our 2007 Loaned Executive, Tracy Dove of State Farm. We wanted to highlight this important program again by sharing another Loaned Executive story: 2006 Loaned Executive Heather Brown. Do you know someone at your organization with extensive leadership experience who would be interested in loaning his or her expertise and talent to the community? To get started, e-mail or call Ray Blue at 512-225-0391.
During the fall of 2006, State Farm gave me the opportunity to work for United Way for 6 months as part of United Way’s Loaned Executive Program. This program turned out to be a once in a lifetime learning experience for me. I am very fortunate to work for a great company like State Farm that understands the importance of contributing to our community.
Despite living in my community for 21 years, it wasn’t until I was part of the Loaned Executive Program that I really got to learn about my community and its needs. I found out that United Way is not just one of many organizations trying to fix a problem in the community, but instead they are an organization truly devoted to improving our community in measurable ways. Also, I realized that I too, have benefited from a United Way partner agency and will most likely be touched by them again.
I have a deeper respect and loyalty for companies like State Farm that loan employees to United Way to help increase funding for community needs. Through meeting with many organizations, I was able to learn many skills that benefit me personally and also my career. I was able to network, enhance my relationship building skills, and learn to speak to large audiences in a minutes notice. Not a day passed that I didn’t learn something new, sharpen a skill set, or create bonds with others.
Finally, I discovered that I didn’t want to stop working for my community once I was finished with the loaned executive program. Now, I am an active part of United Way and that is something I know I will always be.