
What 2-1-1 is all about

We are getting so many incredible stories coming in from folks being helped at the 2-1-1 call center, but wanted to take a moment to share one especially rewarding one that came in yesterday.

We received word that a gentleman called 2-1-1 Sunday in the heat of the aftermath of the hurricane, and got someone in the Austin office.

He was experiencing a heart attack and the call specialist was able to get paramedics to his home. He called to say he survived his heart attack, and is recovering in the hospital. He wanted to express his sincere gratitude for 2-1-1 helping to save his life!

At this point we have had about 143 volunteers since Thursday and we are open for 24/7 for a few days.

400 medical emergencies and search and rescue calls have been reported from our Austin call center alone – these are the life saving calls.

We are currently at 96,000+ disaster calls for the state – over 1,000 calls per hour for food, water and ice from Houston alone.

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